Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Artist Profile: Midnight Juggernauts

Midnight Juggernauts seem hell bent on stretching the boundaries of electro-pop to their breaking point. The Australian trio packs their songs with seemingly every sound imaginable. Stacked synths that constantly shift between watery ambiance to frivolous pop to evocative darkness. Drums that draw equally from tribal and drum and bass influences slam alongside blasts of distorted guitar. Layered vocals that transform from smooth melodic harmonies to ominous, operatic bell tones add another element to a sound scape that's simultaneously danceable, psychedelic and not of this world. Listen to a few tracks from The Crystal Axis, the band's current release, below:


Find more artists like MIDNIGHT JUGGERNAUTS at Myspace Music

Find more artists like MIDNIGHT JUGGERNAUTS at Myspace Music

Find more artists like MIDNIGHT JUGGERNAUTS at Myspace Music

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